Lightphobe – Beta Sign Up | Alpha Beta Gamer
Lightphobe is an asymmetrical PvP first person shooter where soldiers face off against freaky creatures intent on destroying mankind.
In Lightphobe one team of players play as soldiers in first person and another team of players take on the role of the Lightphobes and play in third person. The Lightphobes are immune to physical projectiles, but as their name suggests, their bullet-proof exterior can be dissolved with the use of special lights. So they’d better steer clear of the light if they want to complete their mission of exterminating humanity!
At the moment Lightphobe doesn’t look too spectacular visually, but the gunplay looks good and the asymmetric PvP combat offers an interesting twist on the traditional team deathmatch. Sign up now to shed a little light on those Lightphobes!
Sign Up For The Lightphobe Beta Here (Click “Request Access”)