Reading Portal 2's Negative Reviews (So That You Don't Have To)
The review page on steam is generally a bit of a waste of time. All you have to do to know if a game is worth buying is look over *here*. Check that it says “overwhelmingly positive”, and it’s as easy as that.
Check those genre tags, too, if its in a genre you know you don’t like then avoid it, but otherwise, this is all you need. Most of the positive reviews just tell you the game’s amazing with no real broader explanation as to why its good. And most negative reviews are just some scorned child who learned about the review system yesterday
But sometimes it can be fun to see if there’s anything worth your while to find in these reviews, especially the negative ones. So that’s what I’m going to do today, the game of choice is portal 2, because it’s a beloved game that i love and it has that all important overwhelmingly positive rating.
so let’s have a look shall we…
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