Dig It Events Guide – Droid Gamers

What are things falling from the sky? What’s that big glowing rock? Would they still love you if you were a Colossal Worm? You’ll find the answer to most of these questions in out Dig It Events guide.

You can play Dig It on Roblox. We’ve also got a Dig It shovels guide and a Dig It boats guide if you want to know more about your tools.

Dig It Events Guide

Events are random happening that affect the world of Dig It. If you know what each does, you stand a better chance to make the most of them. So let’s go over each of the things that might happen, and what each event does.

Colossal Worm

The Colossal Worm has been sighted in the Badlands! When this event kicks off, head to the center of Badlands Island for a chance to unearth a giant worm of your very own.

Falling Stars

Mythic-rarity falling stars rain from the sky, leaving glowing piles on the ground. Dig these up during the event to get the stars, which you can sell for a good amount of cash.

Ionizer Shovel

Aliens have landed! And they wish to share their technology with you, Robloxians! Find the landing sight for a chance to pick up the powerful Ionizer Shovel for $185,000.

Lunar Clouds

The event causes the Lunar Clouds island to appear in a random location over the sea. It’s here you can buy the Lunar Shovel fro $67,500.


A meteor has crashed into te sea somewhere on the map! Locate its crash site and get digging. Don’t worry if other people join in. In the Meteor event, you need to all dig togethet to unearth the hugr space rock. At the end of the dig, everyone helping out gets a Meteor to sell. The one who put in the most progress gets the more valuable Meteor Core.

Once the space rock is dug up, the Meteor Shovel is available for sale, too.

Woolly Mammoth

Could a valuable piece of history be buried under Permafrost? When this event starts, head over to the ice cave for a chance to big out a Woolly Mammoth of your very own!

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