Cat Detective Albert Wilde Walkthrough – Part 2 (Clock Shop, Betty, Bookstore, Archives, Bar)

Cat Detective Albert Wilde Walkthrough – Table of Contents

Welcome to the Into Indie Games walkthrough for Cat Detective Albert Wilde.

For more information on Cat Detective Albert Wilde beyond this guide, check out the official website here.

Part 2 (Clock Shop, Betty, Bookstore, Archives, Bar)

Upon picking up the collar, you’ll find yourself on a seaside street. Enter the ‘Out of Time’ Clock Repairs shop.

Talk to the owl, then turn left and go through the white door.

Look at the instructions on the wall and interact with them. Then, turn around and interact with the ‘Receiver’.

Exit the room and talk to the owl again.

Next, you’ll find yourself back at the Crime Scene. Talk to the hippo officer again and exhaust his dialog.

Bring up your location select screen and this time, go to Betty’s Office.

Exhaust Betty’s dialog in her office, after which you’ll be shown the location select screen once again.

Here you can go to either Francis’ or to the Police Archives. We’ll go with Francis first in this walkthrough, so select Francis.

Exhaust Francis’ dialog, and then you’ll be presented with the location select screen again.

Pick the Bookstore. Once there, take a left through the passageway and you’ll find Sergei the bear. Talk to him.

When you’re asked to offer something to Sergei as a bribe, offer the collar.

Now exit the bookstore and go back to the Clock Shop. Enter the shop and then go to the back room.

Interact with the capsule in the back and choose ‘the bar!’ as your destination.

Upon arriving, look down to find the collar and pick it up. After the conversation that follows, re-enter the bookstore.

Go back through the passageway to Sergei and give him the password.

Once in the bar, scroll the screen to the far right and talk to the barkeep.

Ask him about familiar faces, and then “Ask about HER”. (Alternately, you can just exhaust all of the barkeep’s dialog).

After this, scroll left to Elma and talk to her. Order a Pineapple Regret for her. Exhaust Elma’s dialog.

We can’t get more out of Elma until Scales is gone, so now it’s time to pursue our other lead: the Police Archives.

Go back to the barkeep now and call for a ride.

Once you’re back at the Clock Shop, bring up the location select screen and choose the Police Archives.

Talk to the Archivist and exhaust his dialog. Then, turn left and go to the wrapping station to wrap the collar.

Talk to the Archivist again and offer the wrapped package.

After this, leave him be and use your location select screen to go to Albert’s office.

Interact with the phone in Albert’s office and after the conversation, open the main door.

You’ll then find yourself in a conversation with Mrs G. Exhaust her dialog.

Next, pick up the phone again and after that, open the door again.

After the conversation, bring up the location select screen again. You can now chase Mrs G’s case if you’d like, but here in the walkthrough we’ll stick with getting into the police archives.

Go to the Clock Shop and as before, use the capsule in the back room of the clock shop.

Once you’re in the Archives, investigate each of the cabinets with yellow markers on them.

It doesn’t matter which order you check them in, you’ll have to go through all four.

After the last one of four, you’ll have another cabinet to look through.

Once you’re done, exit the archives through the chain-link gate.

Once you’re at the Clock Shop again, bring up the location select screen and go to the Bar.

Talk to Scales and mention ‘Trouble from rival gangs!’. Mention any of the gangs’ names and Scales will be off.

Now go further right and talk to Elma. Exhaust her dialog.

This done, you have no more leads, so it’s time to visit Mrs G’s apartment.

Bring up the location select screen and go to Mrs G’s.

Head to the next part of this walkthrough of Cat Detective Albert Wilde here! (Coming soon!)

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