Planet of Lana Walkthrough – The Desert, The Oasis

Planet of Lana Walkthrough – Table of Contents

Check out our walkthrough of Planet of Lana to find out how to complete the tenth and eleventh levels of the game, The Desert and The Oasis.

Welcome to the Into Indie Games walkthrough for Planet of Lana. This guide covers both the story and all shrine locations in the game.

For more information on Planet of Lana beyond this walkthrough, be sure to check out the official website here.

The Desert

As usual, begin by running right. Keep going until you reach a puzzle area with a spider robot on patrol. Hold onto the ledge from below, without climbing up, so that you’re out of the robot’s sights.

Planet of Lana Walkthrough – The Desert, The Oasis

Once the robot starts going to the right, climb up and then climb up the metal platform on top of the stone platform. Wait for the robot to start going left, and then rush to the right, descending from both platforms as you go.

Pass through the tunnel and continue to the right.

Planet of Lana Walkthrough – The Desert, The Oasis

You will eventually come to another puzzle area, this one with an elevator. Pass through the tunnel to the right, where you’ll find a light and a giant worm.

Have Mui stop in front of the worm, and then run to the right and jump on the light-equipped platform as Lana. Once the light goes away from the worm’s eye, use Mui to hypnotize the worm.

Planet of Lana Walkthrough – The Desert, The Oasis

Drag the worm all the way to the left, which activates the elevator. Get off the light-equipped platform as Lana and get on the elevator that just came down. Don’t have Mui follow you just yet.

With Mui still hypnotizing the worm, have Mui drag the worm to the right, until the light comes back on and the worm closes its eye. Then have Mui follow you and get on the elevator with you.

Planet of Lana Walkthrough – The Desert, The Oasis

Press the button on the elevator to have it take you up. Go right until a few more platforms.

Have Mui jump onto the platform with the button on it, then get Mui to press the button. This unlocks a rope for Lana. Press the button as Mui again and grab the rope as Lana. Press the button as Mui one more time to raise Lana up to the same platform as Mui.

Planet of Lana Walkthrough – The Desert, The Oasis

Press the button again to lower the platform to the left, and jump onto it as Lana. Have Mui press the platform button so that Lana goes up. The scanner robot doesn’t go as far as the platform, thankfully, so you’re safe there.

Wait for the scanner robot to go right and then run to the button on the top platform and press it. Return to the platform on the left. Now as the scanner robot starts going right, follow it, press the button, and land on the platform to the right. If you do it right, the scanner robot will not spot you.

Planet of Lana Walkthrough – The Desert, The Oasis

Have Mui follow you as you descend.

Get down to the ground and run right until you reach another puzzle area with a scanner robot.

Planet of Lana Walkthrough – The Desert, The Oasis

Climb the platform with the yellow handles and assign Mui to the button on this platform. Press the button, so that the gap in the floor is uncovered. Now jump onto the platform to the right as Lana and climb into the tunnel.

Wait for the scanner robot to start moving right, then run right into the gap in the floor. Quickly have Mui close the gap by pressing the button. Once the robot goes to Lana’s left, quickly have Mui open the gap again by pressing the button. Climb up to the floor and run right.

Planet of Lana Walkthrough – The Desert, The Oasis

Climb the ledge with the yellow handles and interact with the control panel as usual to gain control of… a magnet? Surprise!

Drag the magnet to be just above the scanner robot and turn it on to grab the scanner robot. Lower the scanner robot into the gap in the floor, and release the magnet. Lift the magnet out of the gap, and quickly have Mui close the gap with the button, so that the robot is trapped in the gap in the floor.

Planet of Lana Walkthrough – The Desert, The Oasis

Now instead of proceeding onwards, position the magnet to the left of the area, about midway vertically. This way, you can climb the ledge to the left, then the magnet, and then the higher ledge to the left. Go left from here to find the final shrine of the game, the Tenth Shrine.

Planet of Lana Walkthrough – The Desert, The Oasis

Now return to the ledge with the control panel and use the control panel to position the magnet to the right. This way, you can climb the magnet and then the ledge with the yellow handles to the right.

Once you’ve positioned the magnet, summon Mui and proceed by climbing onto the magnet and to the right. Have Mui climb onto the high ledge to the left and drop down the yellow rope there. Climb the rope as Lana and go right, with Mui following you.

Planet of Lana Walkthrough – The Desert, The Oasis

Jump carefully ahead and proceed to the right.

You’ll come to an area with an exposed cable. Send Mui up to the platform with the exposed yellow cable, and have them cut the cable. Climb the rope that’s now unleashed for you, and jump onto the platform to the right. This way, you can proceed right.

Planet of Lana Walkthrough – The Desert, The Oasis

You’ll come to a patch of electrified floor, which you need to jump over if you don’t want to die. Get down to the bottom floor and have Mui stop in this area. You can take Mui with you beyond the fan, but Mui is too light and will fly into the blades once the fans start. This is why you need Lana to go alone for a bit.

Wait for the fans to shut down and then run right through the gap in the blades. Wait for the fans to shut down and then jump over the electrified floor. Jump across the second electrified floor as well and pass through the second fan when it is shut down.

Planet of Lana Walkthrough – The Desert, The Oasis

On the other side of the fan tunnel, you’ll find a scanner robot patrolling the air. Wait near the bottom of the ledge with the yellow handles, and once the scanner robot goes up, climb the ledge and pull the switch to the left to disable the electricity everywhere (but not, apparently, the fans).

Return to where Mui is by passing through the fans when they’re shut off.

Interact with the control panel on the left to gain control of the scanner robot.

Planet of Lana Walkthrough – The Desert, The Oasis

Take the scanner robot higher than where it was previously patrolling, where you’ll find another fan tunnel. Take the scanner robot into this tunnel when the fan stops.

Now go down but don’t land the scanner robot onto the spikes – go left and then down again to break through the metal panels and enter the lower fan tunnel. Go left when the fan stops, so that the scanner robot reaches where Lana and Mui are.

Planet of Lana Walkthrough – The Desert, The Oasis

Send Mui to sit on the scanner robot and then return to the control panel.

Now take the scanner robot through the lower tunnel, up through the gap you just exposed, and right over the spikes. Go up and right when the fan is shut off, so that Mui is on the right side of the tunnels with the scanner robot.

Planet of Lana Walkthrough – The Desert, The Oasis

Take the scanner robot to the right of the area and have Mui press the button there to turn off the power to the fans and the electrified cable. Then take the scanner robot to the exposed cable and have Mui cut the cable. Now land the scanner robot.

Run right through the tunnel as Lana and have Mui follow you. Climb the unleashed rope and get on the ledge to the right. Proceed right.

Planet of Lana Walkthrough – The Desert, The Oasis

Keep going until you come to another spider robot area.

Here, wait in the tunnel to the left of the spider robot, and send Mui in the hole in the ground to the left of Lana.

When the spider robot goes right, send Mui through the hole. When the spider robot spots Mui, quickly have Mui go through the hole again.

Planet of Lana Walkthrough – The Desert, The Oasis

Wait for the spider robot to finish investigating the hole, and then run right as Lana when the spider robot starts going right.

Quickly hide in the tall grass to avoid having the spider robot spot you.

Repeat this procedure – have Mui appear on the hole to the right, bait the spider robot, and quickly dig through to the left. While the spider robot investigates the hole, run to the right as Lana and hide in the tunnel to the right.

We now need to bring Mui over to the tunnel. To do this, we’ll use Lana as bait. Wait for the spider robot to go to the left and then step out of the tunnel. Quickly go back into the tunnel when the robot spots you. Immediately have Mui run to the tall grass to the robot’s left.

Planet of Lana Walkthrough – The Desert, The Oasis

If you time it right, Mui will be safe in the grass by the time the robot look around.

Now wait for the robot to resume its patrol by going left, and have Mui follow you when the robot is looking to the left.

Go right with Mui to find another spider robot, this one jumpier than the other.

Planet of Lana Walkthrough – The Desert, The Oasis

When the robot is on the ground, send Mui up to the high platform to the left, and have Lana crawl into the tunnel to the right. 

Wait for the robot to jump up and ‘detect’ Mui. Immediately have Mui follow you so that Mui enters the tunnel to the right before the robot can get to the left platform. Quickly have Mui follow you and run to the right into another tunnel, where you’ll be safe from the robot.

Planet of Lana Walkthrough – The Desert, The Oasis

Keep going right for a cutscene. Run right and keep going right from here until you reach another cutscene.

After this cutscene, keep running left, climbing up the ledges as you go until the chapter ends.

The Oasis

After Lana is up and the cutscene bars go away, go right until you hit another cutscene.

Then go right and examine the two boards with clues on them.

Planet of Lana Walkthrough – The Desert, The Oasis

These boards tell you how to configure the machine to the right, but as this is a puzzle, it takes some deduction. First, run to the right to watch a cutscene with the old man, and then return to the machine to configure it.

Planet of Lana Walkthrough – The Desert, The Oasis

If we take the line to be a 1 and the dot to be a 0, the combination you need to enter in the machine is as follows: 010, 110, 110, 010, 001. Of course, you can view the screenshot below as well.

Planet of Lana Walkthrough – The Desert, The Oasis

Use the machine on the right once you’ve configured the machine as shown above. This will trigger a cutscene (if you got the configuration right).

After the cutscene, you’ll enter a new sequence, where you’ll have to press quick-time event buttons when prompted. Follow the button or key prompts as shown until you end up falling off the robot.

Planet of Lana Walkthrough – The Desert, The Oasis

Quickly run right into the tunnel and go left to slide down. Proceed to the right until you reach the end of the chapter.

Check out the next part of our walkthrough for Planet of Lana here! (Coming soon!)

Ghosts of Hollow Creek

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